This website focuses mostly on Dutch crochet patterns. Een Mooi Gebaar roughly translates to: A Beautiful Gesture. I think it’s a beautiful gesture to make these patterns, often available for free. I also think it’s a beautiful gesture to gift people crocheted items. AND It’s a beautiful gesture to yourself if you gift yourself the relaxation of making crochet patterns.
All of these patterns are available in English (and Dutch). Click on the picture or the link below to go to the pattern, or keep scrolling for some more information on some of the patterns.
English Crochet Patterns

All English Crochet patterns, with some explanation added 🙂
The very first English crochet pattern on this website is the Een Mooi Gebaar Spiral.

Another one of my own patterns is the Gingham blanket, in Corner to Corner join as you go style.

Hook to Hook – Corner to Corner – Blankets
These gorgeous blankets are made with the corner to corner JOIN AS YOU GO technique. You don’t work with bobbins, but attach each panel as you go. Have fun with these beautfiul blankets. Also for sale on Ravelry:

Creatieve, enthousiaste en lieve Iris van Meer is het gezicht achter Een Mooi Gebaar en vertaalt, ontwerpt en deelt meer dan duizend haakpatronen met jullie op dit stukje internet.
Mijn verhaal, over hoe ik van onhandige knutselaar toch nog creatieve ondernemer ben geworden, lees je hier: Mijn Verhaal
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