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Invisible join

Invisible join

How to make an invisible join in crochet?

Most patterns that are crocheted in rounds, instead of back and forth rows, end with a slip stitch in a starting chain. When you fasten off, it is clearly visible where you fastened off. Luckily, there is another way. For that, you only need a darning needle and scissors. Moreover, you do not crochet the slip stitch, but pull the yarn all the way through the loop after cutting at 5-10 centimeters.

I’ll talk you through it.

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Then thread the needle and insert the needle underneath both loops of the indicated starting chain. If you started with 3 chains and did a row of double crochet, insert the needle through the third starting chain. (For halfdouble crochet, it is the second starting chain, for single crochet, it is the first single crochet). This stitch is often simply indicated in the pattern and you do not have to figure it out yourself.

Alternatively: skip one stitch and go underneath the two loops of the next stitch. This invisible join creates a “fake” stitch, which could confuse you in the next round or with joining, because the stitch count then seems one higher than the actual required stitch count. It doesn’t matter what you choose, but be consistent.

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Pull the thread tight enough so that the loop is still about the same size as the other stitches. Then insert the needle through the back loop only of the stitch where your thread originally came out, so the last stitch of the round. You can now weave the thread away at the back of your work. Make sure that you do not pull the stitch too tight or too tight: the idea is that the V-shape you have made is the same size as the other Vshapes on this last row.

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In the final result, you can no longer see where you have fastened off. Handy, huh? Note that one side of your work now appears to have one more stitch when you count the V’s! This can be important, so pay attention to this when counting your stitches 🙂

invisible join

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English Crochet Patterns

English Crochet Patterns

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